Sunday, September 7, 2008

Today was another lazy weekend day of cooking. However, what I did today did not represent how I felt. There was a huge Polish wedding at the school this weekend. The reception was a two day event (Sat. & Sun.) and the family has a friend who is a chef. He was preparing traditional Polish food, whatever that is/means, and students were encouraged to volunteer. Friday was my birthday, I don't see my wife much during the week, I needed to catch up on sleep and reading, there were lots of chores to do around the house... I don't know. They all just seem like petty excuses to be lazy and meanwhile, miss out on a great opportunity. All day yesterday and today I was telling myself I should just go and then I would let my wife or myself talk me out of it. If I had gone then I would've missed my wife a little more (and that's important, don't get me wrong), I would've still been tired, and I wouldn't have done any reading, etc, etc, etc... but I also wouldn't regret how I spent the weekend, and I'd probably have some pretty cool stories to tell. Instead, I'll just show you some pictures of what I cooked at home. It was a good and very enjoyable weekend, I don't want to sound like a total downer. I'm just wishing I would've went at least one night to help out with the wedding to know. Now I don't know what I missed. Oh well, here are some pictures.

tilapia marinating and
chicken with a dry rub

chicken on the que

finished tilapia,
should've gotten a few more
fish taco fixin's

low country fish stew-
I used the fumet I made with the fish bones, and chunks of the meat that I scraped from the skin and carcasses, along with some basic mirepoix, to make this soup. It probably cost all of $3.00 to make when you break it all down. I used too much fennel, though. sadness

Like I said, I wish I had some much cooler pictures and stories to relate from some crazy Polish chef and a rediculously huge and cool wedding reception prep, but instead my weekend was just relaxing and easy. So those are the kind of pictures and stories you get. Next time I'll work the dang reception.
Tomorrow we start leading sauces in my Foundations class and on Tuesday we start our study of France in World Cuisine. I am charging forward with fervor and anticipation. Besides, I'm eager to know my scores on the practicals. :)

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